(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dj][cp][eq][qj][qm] AB[pp][qo][mq][qh][qd][oc] C[Problem 6. Black to play. This is a continuation of the "Correct Answer of Problem 2". How should Black attack the two white stones on the right side ? ] ;B[oj] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Capping with Black 1 is the key point. ] (;W[pi] C[If White runs away with 2, ... ] ;B[rk] (;W[qk];B[rl];W[ql];B[rm] C[... Black will gauge out White's base with the sequence to 7. White's stones are now floating in the center, providing an easy target to attack. <= ] ) (;W[rj] C[Variation. White could block at 4, but ... ] (;B[qk] (;W[pj];B[pk];W[ok];B[ol];W[nk];B[pm] C[... with the sequence to 11, Black has secured the territory in the lower right. ] ;W[ni] C[White still has to play 12 to secure her stones, so Black ends in sente. <= ] ) (;W[pk] C[Variation. White could establish a position in the lower right by blocking at 6. ] ;B[pj];W[ql];B[ok];W[pl];B[qi];W[rl];B[ri] C[With the sequence to 13, Black sacrifices two stones and builds a moyo in the upper right. ] ;W[sk];B[oh] LB[rn:A] TR[pi] C[To secure his moyo, he must capture the marked stone by playing at 15, but he might first want to rob the white stones of their second eye by playing at A. <= ] )) (;B[ql] LB[qk:@] C[Variation. Instead of @ in Variations 1 and 2, ... ] ;W[pl];B[rm] C[... Black could link up his stones to the bottom with the sequence to 7, but this strategy is a bit weak-spirited. <= ] ))) (;W[om] LB[pi:@] C[Variation. Instead of @ in the Correct Answer, White might jump to 2 here. ] ;B[rk] C[Black again gouges out White's base by playing 3 ... ] ;W[qk];B[rl] C[... and 5. ] ;W[ok] LB[rm:B][rj:A] C[White attaches with 6, but his stones are still eyeless, while the black stones at the edge can link up to their allies above or below with A or B. <= ] ) )