(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][dp][qf][qi][oi][dj] AB[qd][od][of][ok][qk][pp] LB[mi:A][dj:B] C[Problem 5. Black to play. Instead of jumping to A as in the "Correct Answer of Problem 1" , White plays B on the left side. How should Black attack ? ] ;B[mi] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Black attacks by capping with 1. ] ;W[nj] C[White will run away with 2. Next, ... ] (;B[ml] C[... Black plays the knight's move of 3, ... ] ;W[mj];B[ki] C[... then jumps to 5. The white stones are in trouble. Next ... ] ;W[li] C[... White wedges in with 1, but, ... ] ;B[lh];W[lj];B[kh];W[kj];B[jj];W[jk];B[ij];W[kl] C[... after the sequence to White 14, ... ] ;B[pq] C[... Black secures the lower right corner with 15. ] ;W[hk] C[After White jumps to 16, ... ] ;B[jp] C[... Black builds a moyo at the bottom with 17. <= ] ) (;B[ph] LB[nj:2][mi:1] C[Failure. After exchanging 1 for White 2, Black could gauge out White's base and take some territory with 3 ... ] ;W[pi];B[rg] C[... and 5. But Black loses the initiative in the center, and he is left with bad aji in the upper right corner. <= ] ) )