(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dd][df][cn][dp][po][rn][qm][pm][on][nn][no][pb][nc][lc] AB[fq][jp][pq][pn][qn][qo][ro][oo][op][np][qk][pf][pd][qc] TR[no][nn][on][pm][qm][rn] C[Problem 3. Black to play. White's marked stones in the lower right are vulnerable. How should Black attack them ? ] (;B[ol] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. Peeping with Black 1 is severe. Next ... ] ;W[om] C[... White must connect with 2. ] ;B[nl] C[Black 3 is a vital point which prevents White from making shape in the center. ] ;W[ln] C[After White jumps to 4, ... ] ;B[jn] C[... Black attacks the whole white group with 5. ] ) (;B[fo] C[Failure. Locally, Black 1 is a strong move, but it only focuses on reinforcing Black's moyo at the bottom. ] ;W[ol] C[White secures his stones by making shape with 2, and Black's attacking chance vanishes. <= ] ) )