(; GM[1] SZ[19] AW[dp][dd][qi] AB[qd][od][pp] TR[qi] C[Problem 1. Black to play. How should Black attack the marked white stone ? ] (;B[qk] TE[2] C[Correct Answer. The white stone is outnumbered three to one. In such cases, it is important for Black to press his advantage and immediately attack. In this position Black 1 is the correct direction; this move drives White toward Black's strong position at the top. ] ;W[qf];B[of] C[Next, Black caps with 3 ... ] ;W[oi];B[ok];W[mi] LB[kc:B][pq:A] C[... the sequence to White 6 follows naturally. Black has build a moyo on the lower right in sente. He can next reinforce his position at the bottom with A or take up position at the top with B. <= ] ) (;B[qg] C[Failure. Black might make a checking extension from above with 1, but ... ] ;W[ql];B[qn] C[... this stone is inefficient because it is too close to Black's strong enclosure above. In other words, Blacks stones are overconcentrated. <= ] ) )