EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W D4 D16 R11 SETUP B R16 P16 Q4 MARK \t@R11 COM Problem 1. Black to play. How should Black attack the marked white stone ? ENDCOM B 1 R9 USER CORRECT ANSWER ENDUSER COM Correct Answer. The white stone is outnumbered three to one. In such cases, it is important for Black to press his advantage and immediately attack. In this position Black 1 is the correct direction; this move drives White toward Black's strong position at the top. ENDCOM VAR B 1 R13 COM Failure. Black might make a checking extension from above with 1, but ... ENDCOM W 2 R8 B 3 R6 COM ... this stone is inefficient because it is too close to Black's strong enclosure above. In other words, Blacks stones are overconcentrated. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 R14 B 3 P14 COM Next, Black caps with 3 ... ENDCOM W 4 P11 B 5 P9 W 6 N11 MARK B@L17 A@Q3 COM ... the sequence to White 6 follows naturally. Black has build a moyo on the lower right in sente. He can next reinforce his position at the bottom with A or take up position at the top with B. <= ENDCOM