EVENT BOARDSIZE 19 SETUP W Q13 Q14 R15 R16 S17 R12 Q4 R5 O3 B4 C6 C9 L17 SETUP B D17 C15 J17 R18 R17 P17 Q16 Q15 P14 K3 F3 D4 C3 MARK D@K16 C@J15 B@K15 A@L15 \t@L17 COM The above two principles will go a long way in helping you become an effective attacking player. But it is necessary for you to learn some basic attacking techniques as well. ################################### Attacking with Caps and Knight's Moves ################################### Two of the most common are capping moves and the knight's moves. We have already seen examples of these in "Problem 2", namely Black 1 and 3 there (both are good moves, but Black 5 there is not good). Look at the Diagram (Taken from Problem 16.). White has just jumped into hostile territory with her marked stones. Black can get a clear advantage if he attacks correctly. The two main candidate moves are A and B, but a lot of players would also consider jumping to C or extending diagonally with D. The first thing you must do when faced with a situation such as this is to have a clear idea of your goal. It is unreasonable for Black to expect to kill this stone. A reasonable goal would be to let it live, but confine it to the top. ENDCOM B 1 J15 COM With this goal in mind, Black 1 is rejected because ... ENDCOM VAR B 1 K16 COM Extending diagonally with Black 1 is also not consistent with Black's goal because ... ENDCOM W 2 M15 COM ... White again escapes into the center with 2. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 L15 COM What about capping at 1? This cap is the kind of severe attacking move that often succeeds, but here ... ENDCOM W 2 K16 COM ... White will be able to break out by extending diagonally with 2. Black's stones on the left will become strong and he will secure the territory there. But White will escape into the center and Black's wall on the right will not have been used effectively. <= ENDCOM ENDVAR VAR B 1 K15 COM This leaves only the knight's move of Black 1. It will drive the white stone towards the black wall on the right, enabling Black to build a wall on the outside and force White to live in gote. [Continued as "Problem 5"] ENDCOM ENDVAR W 2 L15 COM ... White can jump to 2 and her stones are out into the open. <= ENDCOM