(;RE[B+Resign]PW[jiin]WR[5d*]PB[Cho Chikun]BR[1k*]PC[IGS]DT[2000-02-18]SZ[19]TM[60]KM[0.5];B[ep];W[pd];B[ed];W[pp];B[md];W[pf] ;B[mp];W[pn];B[cj];W[ej]C[ og 2d : tiger's face ! ];B[cd]C[ kazual 4k*: funny fuseki :) ];W[dl];B[co];W[dh];B[bl];W[fh];B[jc];W[er] ;B[gq];W[gr];B[hr];W[fq]C[ discover 3k*: Cigar, why don't you say b win now ];B[gs]C[ og 2d : ha ha ha ];W[fr];B[hq];W[fp];B[cq];W[eo];B[ho];W[dp] ;B[cp]C[ Agency NR : discover is not polite, ];W[fm];B[mn];W[pk];B[qi];W[gc];B[rf]C[ discover 3k*: Agency, how do you know i am not polite? ];W[rd];B[oc];W[pc];B[pb]C[ og 2d : now, I say, B WINS! ];W[qb] ;B[rk]C[ Agency NR : sorry, ];W[nq];B[mq];W[mr];B[lr];W[dc]C[ dango 1k*: no need to say b wins cause b always wins? ];B[dd]C[ discover 3k*: why sorry, take it easy ];W[ec];B[fd]C[ og 2d : no, i said this base on my poor judgement of the situation ];W[cc];B[fc] ;W[fb];B[bc];W[hb];B[cb];W[db];B[da];W[eb];B[rn];W[rp];B[bb];W[jb];B[kb];W[ic] ;B[ja];W[jd];B[ib];W[kc];B[jb]C[ kazual 4k*: seems very difficult for W to win... ];W[id];B[kd];W[ke];B[ld];W[nr];B[ob]C[ og 2d : 89 obsevers ! ];W[qg] ;B[rg];W[qh];B[rh];W[qj];B[pi];W[rj];B[ri];W[rl]C[ evan 3k*: hahah tweet ];B[qe];W[pe];B[ql];W[qk]C[ og 2d : tweet, in your memory, which game had the most obsevers on IGS, and how many then ? ] ;B[rm]C[ Cigar 5d*: t9 ];W[sk];B[og]C[ Cigar 5d*: s18 ];W[mf]C[ Agency NR : i have never seen jiin plays more than 4 game one day? discover 3k*: Cigar, u r abosulutelly right Cigar 5d*: n13 ];B[mg];W[lg];B[lf];W[kf];B[nf];W[rb]C[ taxi 5k*: one day on month is about 28 days on earth ];B[pm] ;W[om];B[on];W[oo];B[ol];W[nn];B[pl];W[ok];B[nl];W[nk];B[ml];W[mh];B[me];W[ni]C[ taxi 5k*: moon sorry ] ;B[oi];W[lh];B[il];W[be]C[ discover 3k*: moon has no feeling og 2d : b C14 ];B[bd]C[ dango 1k*: argh ];W[cf];B[df];W[ef];B[dg]C[ taxi 5k*: moon is where tweet lives ];W[ch];B[eg];W[ff] ;B[fg]C[ discover 3k*: xixixixi taxi 5k*: : p ];W[gg]C[ discover 3k*: q discover 3k*: C ];B[gf];W[hf]C[ taxi 5k*: :q bigeye 3d : 100k per mile, i'll take u to the moon, tweet ];B[eh]C[ Cigar 5d*: b win ];W[ei];B[gh];W[ge];B[fi]C[ discover 3k*: :B taxi 5k*: tweet will welcome me with moon cakes? dango 1k*: :) kazual 4k*: d15 ];W[bk]C[ kazual 4k*: :( ] ;B[en];W[fn]C[ og 2d : Cigar, I said B wins much earlier than you, for this game, LOL taxi 5k*: hmm ];B[do];W[bm];B[fo];W[go];B[gp];W[eo]C[ taxi 5k*: sounds racism ];B[qd];W[qc];B[fo]C[ Cigar 5d*: d(o)b ];W[fj] ;B[gj];W[eo]C[ discover 3k*: what souds racism? ];B[qa];W[ra];B[fo]C[ og 2d : colorism ];W[hi];B[gi];W[eo];B[mj]C[ discover 3k*: rightism discover 3k*: newism og 2d : why b not o10 ? discover 3k*: longism ];W[mk];B[fo];W[hk] ;B[gk];W[eo];B[lk]C[ og 2d : w M8 ];W[hl];B[cg]C[ taxi 5k*: taxi are yellow in many country ];W[bg];B[ce];W[eq];B[cm];W[cl];B[bn];W[bf]C[ discover 3k*: yellow cab ] ;B[di];W[ci];B[dj];W[ek];B[bj];W[bi]C[ taxi 5k*: oh ];B[ai];W[bh];B[am]C[ amiens 2d*: not in France neither. ];W[ak]C[ taxi 5k*: really ];B[hj];W[ik]C[ discover 3k*: black and white taxi 5k*: interesting ] ;B[ij];W[jk];B[ig]C[ discover 3k*: red hill ];W[ll];B[lm];W[kl]C[ discover 3k*: blue mountain Cigar 5d*: w j11 ];B[kq];W[km];B[gn]C[ discover 3k*: they are all brands of taxi ];W[ii]C[ taxi 5k*: hmm yanling 6k*: w win og 2d : b is in danger ! Cigar 5d*: w win taxi 5k*: how often do you get hit by a taxi in average then? ];B[ji] ;W[jh]C[ taxi 5k*: so many of them yanling 6k*: w win ];B[jj];W[ih];B[ki]C[ Cigar 5d*: f8 dango 1k*: argh taxi 5k*: because Tokyo taxi refuse to take passengers to Moon amiens 2d*: He is nealy god maybe. discover 3k*: b dead? og 2d : mmm. i said b should play c14 dango 1k*: we'll see og 2d : could live safely ];W[mm];B[nm];W[ln]C[ discover 3k*: too expensive ];B[no];W[on];B[mm];W[lo];B[mo]C[ kazual 4k*: m10 Cigar 5d*: b win ^_^; discover 3k*: o10 taxi 5k*: they use sensors? og 2d : now I know why Korea Go players are so good at fighting .. ] ;W[lj];B[li];W[kk];B[kh];W[jg];B[kg];W[if];B[nj];W[fo];B[jn]C[ og 2d : nice game ! yanling 6k*: excellent ];W[jo]C[ yanling 6k*: I am too weak discover 3k*: why no o10 ];B[kn] ;W[in];B[ko]C[ og 2d : cigar, do you think b caculated beforehand ? ];W[io];B[ro];W[qp];B[hn];W[jm];B[kp];W[bs];B[cr];W[cs];B[br]C[ taxi 5k*: always safer that way ] ;W[dr]C[ taxi 5k*: :) ];B[sp];W[sq]C[ discover 3k*: use gps ];B[gl];W[gm]C[ amiens 2d*: ko? ];B[hm];W[im];B[hp];W[so];B[fl]C[ og 2d : over amiens 2d*: over. yanling 6k*: perfect ])