(;RE[B+15.5]PW[jiin]WR[5d*]PB[Cho Chikun]BR[1k*]PC[IGS]DT[2000-02-18]SZ[19]TM[60]KM[0.5];B[cp];W[pd];B[cd];W[pp];B[nc];W[kd] ;B[qf];W[nd];B[md];W[ne];B[pc];W[oc];B[ob];W[od];B[mb];W[qc];B[pb];W[me]C[ bigeye 3d : jinn must be a 9p t0 beat moch ];B[qk] ;W[ld];B[qd];W[qe];B[rd];W[re];B[rc];W[rb];B[qb];W[sc];B[sd]C[ dango 1k*: he gets no komi of moch! ];W[qm];B[pg];W[pf] ;B[of];W[pe]C[ og 2d : jiin plays very good ! ];B[jq];W[pi];B[ok];W[qi];B[nq]C[ dango 1k*: jiin is almost 6d* bigeye 3d : jin goes for a BIG eye like me :) ];W[no];B[mk];W[nl];B[nk];W[kk]C[ discover 3k*: jiin used to be 6d* for a long time ] ;B[pm]C[ og 2d : jiin is so aggressive to god :-) ];W[qn];B[lm];W[jm]C[ shein 1d*: net, moch is king of GO-world, Cho 9p ];B[nn];W[mo];B[jl]C[ addt 1k*: I bet moch is crying now, he is famous for that ];W[kl];B[km];W[ko];B[jn];W[im] ;B[kn]C[ og 2d : i have a feeling moch now is not cho ];W[ik];B[in];W[hm];B[hn];W[gn];B[gm];W[fn];B[gl];W[hk];B[gk]C[ bigeye 3d : havn't seen tobe playing lately. must stay away to stay a 9d, the only 9d in the world :) ];W[fp]C[ discover 3k*: cho's wife Cigar 5d*: b win og 2d : those 9p play fast games on IGS, do they fear that they may develop bad habbits ? ] ;B[dn];W[ip];B[jp];W[em];B[cl]C[ og 2d : Cigar ! ];W[dl];B[ck];W[gj];B[fj]C[ discover 3k*: Cigar, why don't you play moch? og 2d : all 5d* are almost-god ! ];W[fk];B[gi];W[hj]C[ bigeye 3d : just about every pro is developing bad habits on igs, so it evens out ] ;B[ej];W[ek];B[qq];W[pq];B[pr]C[ Agency NR : Cigar is yoda? Cigar 5d*: no ];W[on]C[ og 2d : :-) ];B[om]C[ discover 3k*: Cigar, are you a pro? ];W[mn];B[pn];W[po]C[ kazual 4k*: that _is_ an authorative answer :) ];B[oo] ;W[op]C[ Cigar 5d*: yes ];B[or];W[on];B[nm];W[mm];B[ll];W[rq];B[qp];W[rp]C[ og 2d : admiring ... discover 3k*: How many P? Cigar? ];B[qr];W[qo];B[lp]C[ kazual 4k*: Cigar says it isn't ;) ] ;W[cm];B[dm];W[dk]C[ Agency NR : Cigar=britney? ];B[cj];W[dj];B[ci];W[di];B[dh];W[eh];B[dg];W[eg];B[ql];W[rr]C[ og 2d : i feel b is still better ] ;B[rs];W[rm];B[ef];W[ed]C[ Agency NR : Cigar has record that 22winning straight,right? ];B[ee];W[cc]C[ og 2d : tweet, i know a play named cat, type stats cat ];B[dd];W[dc];B[ec];W[fd]C[ og 2d : he won all games! ];B[fc]C[ dango 1k*: tough ] ;W[bd]C[ discover 3k*: fancy had 39 wins, stats fancy ];B[be]C[ shein 1d*: who is fancy? ];W[gc];B[gb];W[gd];B[hb];W[db]C[ discover 3k*: fancy is tweet ];B[fb]C[ og 2d : fancy's info : am I tweet ? LOL ];W[bc]C[ discover 3k*: tweet is till og 2d : yeah, agree ];B[gf];W[ic]C[ discover 3k*: till is twee ] ;B[ib];W[hf]C[ discover 3k*: twee is cho ];B[hc]C[ discover 3k*: cho is moch ];W[cf];B[bf]C[ discover 3k*: moch is yoda ];W[hd]C[ discover 3k*: yoda is Cigar ];B[id]C[ discover 3k*: Cigar is britney og 2d : we need a book ... who is who on IGS ! ];W[gg];B[ff];W[jc];B[kb] ;W[fg];B[nh];W[do];B[cn];W[mc];B[nb];W[cq]C[ og 2d : w S13 Agency NR : why KENTA ,rincha does not play on igs? dango 1k*: i think w corner can be killed by b, but i'm weak at live and death. ];B[rh]C[ ILLSNAKE NR : *illsanke*: jiin will lose again, ];W[co]C[ dango 1k*: yes Alex ];B[bo];W[bp];B[dp]C[ dango 1k*: b loses by time. ] ;W[eo];B[bn];W[bq];B[rl];W[sm];B[og];W[lh];B[sr];W[so];B[sq];W[rn]C[ og 2d : wish b can play fast enough ];B[gr];W[fr]C[ Agency NR : i think jiin can give addtime ] ;B[kj];W[jj];B[lk];W[jk];B[ki];W[mi];B[ni];W[jh];B[gq];W[kh]C[ Agency NR : sorry, can`t, i meant ];B[ad];W[ba];B[er] ;W[fq];B[fs];W[dr];B[eq];W[ds];B[es];W[ep];B[ab];W[bb];B[ce]C[ og 2d : no kill ];W[ac];B[gs];W[dq]C[ dango 1k*: now i see! ] ;B[gp];W[sl]C[ kazual 4k*: I think superfly is fake 4d :) ];B[sk];W[mp]C[ Agency NR : Cho SunJin has account on igs? Cigar 5d*: b win og 2d : i am worrying about our 9p's health, sleep too late ! ];B[lq]C[ kazual 4k*: Too obsessed with killing stones ;) shein 1d*: eat enough stones, no need for sleep ];W[lj];B[jb]C[ kazual 4k*: :D og 2d : w T12 ];W[he];B[mj];W[li]C[ discover 3k*: w no time ];B[rf] ;W[se];B[sb];W[sf];B[rg];W[go];B[ho];W[ae];B[mg];W[af];B[ag];W[ad];B[bg];W[lg]C[ kazual 4k*: trail REALIZE ] ;B[kc];W[jd];B[lo];W[mq];B[mr];W[lc];B[mf];W[lb]C[ og 2d : any command to trail all 5d* ? ];B[la];W[lf]C[ kazual 4k*: That would be dead useful, og :) ];B[nf];W[ol] ;B[pl];W[ml];B[ea];W[eb];B[ap];W[aq];B[ao];W[da];B[fa];W[en];B[bm];W[sg];B[sh] ;W[sp];B[oq];W[ss];B[sr]C[ E2000 3k*: \[103\] \[any handicap in this game?\] og 2d : moch is the best 1k*! ];W[oo]C[ dango 1k*: no komi, b+17.5 ];B[qs];W[sq];B[ss];W[tt];B[tt];W[tt]C[ jiin dead @ L10 jiin dead @ G8 jiin dead @ K8 moch dead @ J4 jiin dead @ F10 moch dead @ L5 jiin dead @ G11 jiin dead @ J16 moch dead @ Q11 jiin dead @ A18 moch dead @ S18 moch dead @ C14 jiin done ] )