(;RE[W+Resign]PW[Cho Chikun]WR[1k*]PB[Cigar]BR[5d*]PC[IGS]DT[2000-02-18]SZ[19]TM[60]KM[0.5];B[qd];W[dp];B[dd];W[nd];B[fq];W[qc] ;B[cn];W[fp];B[gp];W[fo];B[eq];W[dq];B[go];W[dn];B[dm];W[co];B[en];W[do];B[pp] ;W[fn];B[jq];W[ci];B[cg];W[ei];B[fk]C[ og 2d : i don't sleep tonite ! ];W[pd];B[qe];W[rc];B[pe];W[ph];B[od];W[pc] ;B[pg];W[oh];B[qh];W[qi]C[ og 2d : 2AM here bigeye 3d : good to be young :) ];B[ri];W[rh];B[qg];W[rj];B[oc];W[oe];B[nc];W[mc]C[ og 2d : tweet :-) kazual 4k*: game 27 had some interesting new shapes ;) Let's hope this game will be as fresh! ] ;B[pi];W[qj]C[ discover 3k*: not too young not too old ];B[ne];W[of]C[ og 2d : tweet, you recommended ! kazual 4k*: It was funny - did you see it? ];B[md];W[og];B[pb];W[qb];B[ob];W[rd];B[re];W[pf] ;B[jc]C[ og 2d : poor Cigar ! discover 3k*: they are innocent, come on ];W[cc];B[dc];W[cd];B[de];W[ce]C[ kazual 4k*: well, it turned out very well - I was loughing a lot... ];B[cf];W[db];B[eb];W[cb];B[dk];W[ec] ;B[fc];W[df]C[ og 2d : yeah, remind me those good time when I began to learn GO kazual 4k*: not in a mean way, discover - i found their perspective quite refreshing... bigeye 3d : difficult to manage big eye in fast games ];B[dh]C[ og 2d : i think a 30k* could have more fun from GO than 9p ];W[ed];B[ee];W[fd]C[ kazual 4k*: I agree ];B[fb];W[gd];B[ef];W[hb]C[ og 2d : Cigar can't resist ! discover 3k*: so why do we try to make progress ];B[hc] ;W[gc];B[gb];W[ib];B[he];W[ff];B[fg];W[gf]C[ discover 3k*: we should stay 30k and have fun ];B[eg]C[ og 2d : yeah, just like more money doesn't bring more happiness .. ];W[hf];B[jb];W[ic];B[bn] ;W[bo];B[qo];W[gi];B[di]C[ taxi 5k*: yeah a couple of millions is about enough discover 3k*: if i have more money, i will be happier ];W[or];B[pr];W[oq];B[pq];W[lq]C[ og 2d : yeah, I found if no so, I could win no one ! ];B[lo];W[op];B[oo] ;W[no]C[ porter 1k*: is w cho chikun? discover 3k*: a couple of taxi will do ];B[nn];W[on];B[po];W[mn];B[mo];W[nm];B[np]C[ taxi 5k*: :) ];W[kp];B[ln];W[jp]C[ nd 2d*: w is a pro player ];B[iq] ;W[jn];B[nn];W[ip];B[gn];W[gm]C[ bigeye 3d : where u been nd, w is the king ];B[hm];W[hn]C[ discover 3k*: what does :) mean? ];B[in];W[hq]C[ bigeye 3d : smile taxi 5k*: making a bird face ])