(;RE[B+Time]PW[Cho Chikun]WR[1k*]PB[jiin]BR[5d*]PC[IGS]DT[2000-02-18]SZ[19]TM[60]KM[0.5];B[dp];W[qd];B[ed];W[oq];B[nd]C[ dango 1k*: wow ];W[cc] ;B[ce];W[ec];B[fc];W[fd];B[dc];W[eb];B[dd];W[db];B[gc];W[cd];B[de];W[fe];B[id] ;W[dj];B[dh];W[cn];B[qc];W[fq];B[eo];W[cq];B[dm];W[cm];B[dl];W[cl];B[dk];W[ck] ;B[ej];W[ei];B[di];W[cj];B[fj];W[fi];B[gi];W[eg];B[dg];W[fg];B[be];W[bb]C[ kazual 4k*: tweeet is fake NR* ;) ];B[hg] ;W[ie];B[he];W[hd];B[gd];W[hf];B[ge];W[gf];B[if];W[ig];B[je];W[hh];B[jg]C[ Agency NR : tweeet who are you? ];W[ih] ;B[gh];W[gg]C[ Agency NR : sorry ];B[hj];W[jh];B[kg];W[gk];B[gj];W[jj];B[bi];W[cp];B[il];W[jl];B[jm] ;W[kl];B[im];W[km];B[pd];W[qe];B[rc];W[qi]C[ evan 3k*: these questions one does not ask. ];B[po];W[qp];B[qo];W[rp];B[qk];W[pe] ;B[ro];W[go];B[gm];W[od]C[ og 2d : tweet is a AI program developed to be DeepBlue for GO ! ];B[pc]C[ taxi 5k*: most birds come from eggs ];W[qm];B[rm];W[np];B[oe];W[of];B[ne]C[ taxi 5k*: rubber duckies don't og 2d : LOL ];W[jo]C[ Eiger 2d : why s7 and not q8 ? taxi 5k*: : ) ] ;B[pq];W[pp];B[oo];W[op];B[oi];W[pg]C[ taxi 5k*: two bird legs with an eye in between ];B[kn]C[ taxi 5k*: LOL ILLSNAKE NR : *illsanke*: block will lose og 2d : NO, tweet is the very best program I've ever seen ! ];W[ok]C[ ILLSNAKE NR : *illsanke*: the black will lose Cigar 5d*: b win ];B[ko]C[ taxi 5k*: sorry egg not eye heik 15k*: tell taxi what does LOL mean? og 2d : Cigar is never wrong ];W[kp]C[ og 2d : he he ... Cigar 5d*: iOOj ];B[gp] ;W[fp];B[ho]C[ taxi 5k*: tell heik me no bird, me don't knoe kazual 4k*: what's all the fuss about moch beeing so strong? He's not significantly stronger than all the 5d*.. ];W[fo]C[ discover 3k*: Cigar, how many stone can u give to me? og 2d : no, why ? ];B[jp];W[jq];B[ip];W[iq];B[lp];W[kq];B[li]C[ warhoofd NR : moch = Cho Chikun evan 3k*: i've played against tweet ];W[mn]C[ og 2d : really ? evan , you won ? evan 3k*: god no ] ;B[lm]C[ evan 3k*: tweet knows his stuff. taxi 5k*: there are red indians and brown indians ];W[ll];B[mm]C[ evan 3k*: no, he didn't have to ];W[ml];B[nm];W[pj]C[ og 2d : tweet, there is really someone believe you are a program :-) ];B[nl];W[nk];B[kj];W[kk]C[ taxi 5k*: moving eggs is natural for a hatching mother bird ];B[ik] ;W[jk];B[kh]C[ heik 15k*: i know this one og 2d : Artificial Intelligence heik 15k*: but not LOL ];W[lj];B[ki];W[ji]C[ taxi 5k*: oh that's deep og 2d : well come, korallen , I didn't want to mislead you. Tweet is a good person very famous on IGS:-) ];B[mo];W[lq]C[ og 2d : LOL ];B[ri]C[ taxi 5k*: L@L discover 3k*: what is LOL? ];W[rh]C[ warhoofd NR : laughing out loud ];B[mj];W[mk] ;B[rj])