(;RE[W+Resign]PW[Cho Chikun]WR[1k*]PB[choisasi]BR[5d*]PC[IGS]DT[2000-02-18]SZ[19]TM[60]KM[0.5];B[cp];W[fp]C[ kazual 4k*: And F4 is not.. kazual 4k*: better take another corner than e3 I think ];B[dn];W[pq];B[pd];W[cd] ;B[qo];W[pl];B[pn];W[np];B[rq];W[kq];B[ec];W[qf];B[cf];W[de];B[df];W[fd];B[gc] ;W[ee]C[ discover 3k*: strong 1k ];B[cc];W[bc];B[db];W[cb];B[dc];W[hd];B[ef]C[ kazual 4k*: Cho Chikun 9p has been using moch account on a previous occation :) og 2d : this 5d* 's strength is increasing by playing with moch ! ];W[gd]C[ kazual 4k*: stats jiin ];B[hc];W[ic];B[bb]C[ og 2d : if we got a 9p teacher , he he ... ] ;W[ab];B[ba];W[ib];B[id];W[fc]C[ og 2d : i shouldn't have praise 5d* discover 3k*: what? dreaming NR : i think this moch is young, below 30. for a pro, play go at midnight? choisasi 5d*: おきまちがえました。 ])